See the French nomenclature.
[ACL] Revue
- In-depth Analysis of Ransom Note Files, Y. Lemmou, J.-L. Lanet, EM Souidi, Computers 2021, 10(11), 145; doi:10.3390/computers10110145, Dec. 2021
- A Survey On Windows-Based Ransomware Taxonomy And Detection Mechanisms: Case Closed?, Computing Surveys Journal, R. Moussaileb, N. Cuppens-Boulahia, H. Le Bouder and J.-L. Lanet, 2021
- Formal Model of Conformity Analysis Method of Java Bytecode Programs annotated with BML Specifications, S. Achour, M. Benattou, J.-L. Lanet, IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, 2020,
- A Behavioral In-depth Analysis of Ransomware Infection, Y. Lemmou, J.-L. Lanet,El M. Souidi, ITE Information Security Journal, 2020,
- A systematic approach towards security in Fog computing: assets, vulnerabilities, possible countermeasures, M. Farhadi, D. Miorandi. G. Pierre, J.-L. Lanet, Software: Practice and Experience, DOI: 10.1002/spe.2804, 2020
- Hiding a fault enabled virus through code construction, S. Hamadouche, J-L. Lanet, M.Mezghiche, Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques 16, pp. 103–124, DOI 10.1007/s11416-019-00340-z, 2020
- Formal Methods in Dynamic Software Updating: A survey, R. Lounas, M. Mezghiche, J.-L. Lanet, International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems, 10.1504/IJCCBS.2017.10011024, 2018
- Reverse engineering Java Card and vulnerability exploitation: a shortcut to ROM, A. Mesbah, J.-L. Lanet and M. Mezghiche, International Journal of Information Security, 10.1007/s10207-018-0401-9, pp 1–16, 2018.
- A Novel Approach for an Interoperable Biometric Verification M. El Beqqal, M. Azizi, and J.-L. Lanet. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM) 12.6 (2018): 124-132. 2018
- A Formal Verification of Dynamic Updating in a Java-based embedded System, R. Lounas, M. Mezghiche, J.-L. Lanet, International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems, Vol7. n°4, pp. 303-340, DOI: 10.1504/IJCCBS.2017.10011024, 2017
- When Time Meets Test, J.-L. Lanet, H. Le Bouder, M. Benattou, A. Legay, International Journal of Information Security, pp 1-15, DOI: 10.1007/s10207-017-0371-3, 2017
- Reversing a Java Card Memory Management Algorithm, A. Mesbah, J.-L. Lanet, M. Mezghiche, Journal Computer and Security, COSE, DOI: 10.1016/j.cose.2017.01.005, Elsevier 2017
- Machine Learning Techniques to Predict Sensitive Patterns to Fault Attack in the Java Card Application, Yahiaoui C., Lanet J-L, Mezghiche M. and Tamine K., Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence (TETA), DOI : 10.1080/0952813X.2017.1409276., December 2017
- Trust Can be Misplaced, N. El Janati El Idrissi, G. Bouffard, J.-L. Lanet, S. El Hajji, JCEN, Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, pp. 1-14, DOI 10.1007/s13389-016-0142-5, 2016
- Chronicle of a Java Card Death, M. Farhadi and J.-L. Lanet, Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques, pp 1–15, DOI: 10.1007/s11416-016-0276-0, 2016
- Reversing Byte code of Obfuscated Java Based Smart Card Using Side Chanel Analysis, M. Kasmi, M. Azizi and J.-L. Lanet, International Journal of Security and Its Applications Vol.9, No.11 2015, pp.347-356, IJSIA
- Methodology To Reverse Engineer A JavaCard Applet using Pattern Matching Attack, M. Kasmi, M. Azizi and J.-L. Lanet, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 11, pp. 28669-28679, 2015
- The Ultimate Control Flow Transfer in a Java Based Smart Card, G. Bouffard, J.-L. Lanet, Journal Of Computer & Security COSE DOI 10.1016/j.cose.2015.01.004, Volume 50, May 2015, Pages 33-46, Elsevier, 2015
- Reversing the Operating System of a Java Based Smart Card, G. Bouffard, J.-L. Lanet, Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques,DOI: 10.1007/s11416-014-0218-7, July 2014
- Security Automaton to Mitigate Laser-based Fault Attacks on Smart Cards, G. Bouffard, B. N. Thampi, J.-L. Lanet, Int. J. of Trust Management in Computing and Communications, 2014 Vol.2, No.2, pp.185 - 205, DOI: 10.1504/IJTMCC.2014.064158, 2014,
- Security Vulnerabilities Test Generation from SysML and Event-B models for EMV cards, N. Ouerdi, M. Azizi, J.-L. Lanet, A. Savary, A. Azizi, M. Ziane, International Journal of Security and Its Applications, IJSIA Vol. 8 n°1, pp. 373-388, DOI 10.14257, 2014
- Analysis of HTTP Protocol Implementation in Smart Card Embedded Web Server, N. Kamel, J.-L. Lanet, IJINS International Journal of Information and Network Security, Volume 2, n°5, ISSN: 2089-3299, DOI: 10.11591, 2013
- Risks induced by Web applications on smart cards, N. Kamel, J.-L. Lanet, Journal of Information Security and Applications, Volume 18, Issues 2-3 pp.148-156, DOI: 09.002, 2013,
- Mitigating Type Confusion on Java Card, J. Dubreuil, J.-L. Lanet, G. Bouffard, B. N Thampi, International Journal of Secure Software Engineering (IJSSE), Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 19-39, 2013 pdf
- Virus in a Smart Card: Myth or Reality?, S. Hamadouche, J.-L. Lanet, IJSA, Journal of Information Security and Applications 18 (2013), pp. 130-137, DOI information: 10.1016/j.jisa.2013.08.005 2013,
- Evaluation of Countermeasures Against Fault Attacks on Smart Cards, A. Sere, J-L. Lanet, J. Iguchi-Cartigny, International Journal of Security and Its Applications Vol. 5 No. 2, pp 49-61, ISSN: 1738-9976, April, 2011, pdf.
- Developing a Trojan applet in a Smart Card, J. Iguchi-Cartigny, J-L. Lanet, Journal in Computer Virology, Vol. 6, Issue 4, pp. 343-351, ISSN:1772-9890, 2010, pdf.
- Reusing a JML specification dedicated to verification for testing, and vice-versa: case studies, Journal of Automated Reasoning, No. JARS-D-08-00044R1, Vol 45, N°4, pp. 415-435, December 2010, L. du Bousquet, Y. Ledru, O. Maury, C. Oriat J-L. Lanet pdf
- Modélisation et vérification dans les cartes à puce, revue de l'électricité et de l'électronique, n°6/7 juin/juillet 2004, pp.89-94, J-L. Lanet, T. Jensen.
- Checking Secure Interactions of Smart Card Applets, (Extended version) Journal of Computer Security vol. 10, N°4, 2002, pp. 369-398, P. Bieber, J. Cazin, P. Girard, J-L. Lanet, V. Wiels, G. Zanon, pdf
- Cartes à puce et méthodes formelles, une lente intégration, TSI, Vol. 20 n°7/2001, pp. 959-964.pdf
- Electronic Purse Applet Certification, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science Volume 32, 2000, Pages 14-25, P. Bieber, J. Cazin, V. Wiels, G. Zanon, P. Girard, J.-L. Lanet DOI : 10.1016/S1571-0661(04)00092-1
- New Security Issues Raised by Open Cards, Elsevier Information Security, vol. 4, n°2, pp. 19-27, June 1999, J-L. Lanet, P. Girard pdf
[OS] Books Chapters
- Méthodes formelles et certification, S. Motré, P. Courtieu J.-L. Lanet, in Cartes à puces, Traité Hermes, Edition Lavoisier, ISBN : 9782746239135, 2013
- The Next Smart Card Nightmare Logical Attacks, Combined Attacks, Mutant Applications and other Funny Things, G. Bouffard, J.-L. Lanet, Cryptography and Security: From Theory to Applications Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012, Volume 6805, pp. 405-424, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-28368-0_26, 2012,
- Entry Byte Code Verification, in : Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security (2nd Ed.), J-L. Lanet, Springer, Editeurs Henk C.A. van Tilborg, Sushil Jajodia, 2010
- Sécurité des cartes à puce, in Sécurité des systèmes répartis et réseaux, tome 2, chapitre 9, 2006, J-L. Lanet, P. Girard, Ludovic Mé éditeur.
- JACK: A Tool for Validation of Security and Behaviour of Java Applications, in Formal Methods for Components and Objects, pp 152-174, ISBN 978-3-540-74791-8 G. Barthe, L. Burdy, J. Charles, B. Grégoire, M. Huisman, J-L. Lanet, M. Pavlova, A. Requet, 2006. pdf
[INV] Invited Conference
- Ransomware can always be detectedbut at which cost ?, Invited talk, JATNA'4, Oujda, Morocco, 22-23 November, 2019
- When Data reveals Ransomware Activity, J-L. Lanet, A. Palisse, 4th International Conference on Operational Planning, Technological Innovations and Mathematical Applications, Hellenic Army Academy (Vari Attikis), May 25 – 26, Athen, 2017,
- The Wheel of Fault Injection, J.-L Lanet, Workshop Sertif, Grenoble, October, 2016
- Paper Tiger, an endless fight, M. Farhadi and J.-L. Lanet, SecITC 9th International Conference on Security for Information Technology and Communications, Bucharest, Romania, 9-10 June, LNCS 10006, I. Bica and R. Reyhanitabar (Eds.), pp. 40–62, 2016, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-47238-6
- Black hat can also benefits from formal method, J.-L. Lanet, PROOFS, Saint Malo, France, September 17, 2015
- Smart Cards, some clues to break a strong token, J.-L. Lanet, CESEC 2015 3rd summer school on Critical Embedded Systems, Toulouse, July the 1 st, 2015.
- Mitigating Side Channel Attacks using Polymorphic Code, J.-L. Lanet, SĂ©minaire franco-japonais sur la CybersĂ©curitĂ© Tōkyō, Avril 2015,
- Retrieving Keys from a Secure Element, Invited Talk, Workshop Franco Allemand, Saarbruck, 27 February 2015,
- Beyond cryptanalysis is software security the next threat for smart cards, Invited talk, International Conference in Codes, Cryptology and Information Security Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco, Faculty of Sciences, May 26 - 28, 2015
- Rétrospective de 7 années de recherche de vulnérabilités dans des cartes à puce, J.-L. Lanet, Journée Sécurité INSA Toulouse, January the 22nd, 2015,
- A Downward Spiral or a Win-win Game ?, J.-L. Lanet, keynote at FPS 2014, Montréal, November the 3rd, 2014,
- Ethical Hacking, the Necessary Plague, French-Swiss Innovation Forum for Cybersecurity, ETH ZĂĽrich, 3-4 June 2014
- Attacks against Smart cards, CERIST Autumn School on Cyber-Physical Systems, Alger, Sept 30 to Oct 3, 2013
- e-Commerce Security, Challenges in Secure Element Security, in Challenges in Cyber Security - from paradigms to implementations, SSA, Busteni, Romania, 17-25 Aug. 2012, pdf1, pdf2
- Smart Card Reverse-Engineering Code Execution Using Side-Channel Analysis, NTCCCS, Théorie des Nombres, Codes, Cryptographie et Systèmes de Communication, Oujda, Maroc, April 2012, pdf
- Évaluation de l'injection de code malicieux dans une Java Card, SSTIC 09, Rennes, June 2009, pdf
- Injection de code sur cartes à puces, Workshop, L('in)sécurité des systèmes embarqués, INRIA, 7 Jan 2009.
- EMAN: un cheval de troie dans une carte Ă puce, Cesar08 Rennes, December 2008
- The use of Formal Methods in the Smart Card Industry, International Workshop on Formal Method and Security, May 2004, Nanjing, China.
- GemClassifier, a formally developed smart card, 2nd HCSS Conference, pp. 17-23, Baltimore Maryland, USA, March 2002.pdf
- Are smart card the ideal domain for applying formal methods ?, ZB 2000, LNCS n°1878, pp. 363-373, York, August 2000.pdf
- Industrial Use of Formal Methods at Gemplus, Workshop on Modelling and Verification, Besançon, 1999
[ACT] International Conference with review and proceeding
- Under the dome: preventing hardware timing information leakage, M. Escouteloup, R. Lashermes, J. Fournier and J.-L. Lanet, Conference CARDIS 2021, LĂĽbeck, Germany, November 2021.
- Confiance: detecting vulnerabilities in Java Card applets, L. Ouairy, H. Le Bouder and J.-L. Lanet, The 15th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2020), August 25 – August 28, 2020
- Description of evasive malware, their impact on antiviruses and countermeasures, C. Herzog, J.-L. Lanet, V. Viet Triem Tong, P. Wilke, A. Van Straaten, 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2020), Lieusaint, France, 8-10 July, 2020
- Discriminating unknown software using Distance Metrics, Y. Lemmou, H. Le Bouder, J.-L. Lanet, International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems, Bali, 2019,
- Watch Out! Doxware on The Way..., R. Moussaileb, C. Berrti, G. Deboisdeffre, N. Cuppens-Boulahia and J.-L. Lanet , Crisis 2019, The 14th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems, Hammamet, Tunisia, 29-31 October 2019,
- JavaNeighbors: Improving ChuckyJava's neighborhood discovery algorithm, L. Ouairy, H. Le Bouder, J.-L. Lanet, EUSPN 2019, The 10th International Conference on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks, Coimbra, Portugal, November 4-7, 2019
- SEER4US, Secured Energy Efficient Routing for UAV Swarms, B. Fournier, G. Guette, V. Viet Triem Tong, J.-L. Lanet, WiMob 15th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, Barcelonna, Spain, 22-23 October 2019
- Classification of ransomwares using Artificial Neural Networks and Bayesian Networks, H. Madani, N. Ouerdi, A. Palisse, J.-L. Lanet and A. Azizi, The Third International Conference on Intelligent Computing in Data Sciences, Marrakech-Morocco, October 28-29-30, 2019
- Protection of Systems Against Fuzzing Attacks, L. Ouairy, H. Le Bouder and J.-L. Lanet,FPS 2018, Montreal, Canada, 13, 14 and 15 November 2018,
- Polyvalent fingerprint biometric system for authentication, M. El Beqqal, M. Azizi, et J.-L. Lanets. . In : International Conference Europe Middle East & North Africa Information Systems and Technologies to Support Learning. Springer, Cham, . p. 361-366. 2018
- When fault injection collides with hardware complexity, K. Bukasa, L. Claudepierre, R. Lashermes. J.-L. Lanet, FPS 2018, Montreal, Canada, 13, 14 and 15 November 2018,
- Normalization of Java Card applets, L. Ouairy, H. Le Bouder and J.-L. Lanet, SecIT 2018, Bucharest, Romania, 08-09 November 2018
- Theoretical security evaluation of the Human Semantic Authentication protocol, H. Le Bouder, G. Thomas, E. Bourget, M Graa,N. Cuppens, J.-L. Lanet, Secrypt 2018, 15th International Conference on Security and Cryptography, Porto, Portugal, 26-28 July 2018
- Let's shock our IoT's heart: ARMv7-M under (fault) attacks, S. K. Bukasa, R. Lashermes, J.-L. Lanet and A. Legay, 13th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, Hambourg, Germany, 27-30 August 2018
- Experimenting similarity-based hijacking attacks detection and response in Android Systems, A. Bkakria, M. Graa, N. Cuppens-Boulahia, F. Cuppens and J.-L. Lanet, ICISS, International Conference on Information Systems Security, IIT-Bombay, India, Dec 17-20, 2017
- Reverse Engineering a Code without the Code, A. Mesbah, J.-L. Lanet and M. Mezghiche, ROOTS 1st Reversing and Offensive-oriented Trends Symposium 2017 online, Vienna, Austria, November 16 and 17, 2017
- Persistant Fault Injection Attack, From White-box to Black-box, A. Mesbah, M. Mezghiche and J.-L. Lanet, ICEE 2017 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Boumerdes, Algeria, October 29th to 31st, 2017.
- Data Aware Defense (DaD): Towards a Generic and Practical Ransomware Countermeasure, A. Palisse, A. Durand, H. Le Bouder, C. Le Guernic and J.-L. Lanet, NordSec2017 - Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems, November 8-10, 2017, Tartu, Estonia
- Real-time detection and reaction to Activity hijacking attacks in Android smartphones, A. Bkakria, M. Graa, N. Cuppens-Boulahia, F. Cuppens and J.-L. Lanet, PST 2017, Privacy, Security, and Trust - 15th International Conference, Calgary, Canada, August 28-30, 2017
- How TrustZone could be bypassed: Side-Channel Attacks on a modern System-on-Chip, S. Bukasa, R. Lashermes, H. Le Bouder, J.-L. Lanet and A. Legay, Wistp'17, International Conference on Information Security Theory and Practice, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, September 28-29, 2017
- An Automated Formal Process for Detecting Fault Injection Vulnerabilities in Binaries and Case Study on PRESENT, T. Given-Wilson, N. Jafri, J.-L. Lanet and A. Legay, IEEE TrustCom 2017, Sydney, Australia, August 1 - 4, 2017
- Protection against Side Channel Attacks based on Data Tainting in Android Systems, M. Graa, N. Cuppens-Boulahia, F. Cuppens, J.-L. Lanet, R. Moussaileb, 32nd International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection - IFIP SEC 2017, Rome, Italy, May 29 - 31, 2017
- The Hell Forgery, Polymorphic Codes Shoot Again, A. Mesbah, L. Regnaud, J.-L. Lanet, M. Mezghiche, CARDIS 2016, 15th Smart Card Research and Advanced Application Conference, Nice, France, November 7th-9th 2016
- Ransomware and the Legacy Crypto API, A. Palisse, H. Le Bouder, J.-L. Lanet, C. Le Guernic and A. Legay, Crisis, The 11th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems, Roscoff, France, LNCS Vol 10158, 5th-7th September 2016
- A Formal Verification of Safe Update Point Detection in Dynamic Software Updating, R. Lounas, N. Jafri, A. Legay, M. Mezghiche and J.-L. Lanet, Crisis, The 11th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems, Roscoff, France, 5th-7th September 2016
- Runtime Code Polymorphism as a Protection against Side Channel Attacks, D. Couroussé, T. Barry, B. Robisson, P. Jaillon, O. Potin and J.-L. Lanet, 10th WISTP International Conference on Information Security Theory and Practice, Heraklion, Crete, Greece -- 26-27 September 2016
- A template attack against Verify PIN algorithms, H. Le Bouder, T. Barry, D. Couroussé, J.-L. Lanet and R. Lashermes Ronan, SECRYPT, the 13th International Conference on Security and Cryptography, Lisbon, Portugal, 26-28 July 2016
- Tracking explicit and control flows in Java and native Android apps code, M. Graa, F. Cuppens, N. Cuppens, J.-L. Lanet, ICISSP 2016 International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy, 19-21 February Roma, Italy, 2016
- Side channel analysis techniques towards a methodology for reverse engineering of JavaCard byte-code, M. Kasmi, M. Azizi and J.-L. Lanet, IAS 2015 11th Int. Conference on Information Assurance and Security, Marrakesh, Morocco, 10-12 December 2015
- Model-Based Robustness Testing in Event-B using Mutation, A. Savary , M. Leuschel, M. Frappier and J.-L. Lanet, SEFM-2015, 13th edition of the International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, York, UK 7-11 September 2015 Best Paper
- Countermeasures Mitigation for Designing Rich Shell Code in Java Card, El Janati N., El Hajji S. and Lanet J.-L., C2SI Codes Cryptology and Information Security, Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco, May 26 - 28, 2015
- Memory Forensics of a Java Card Dump, J.-L. Lanet, G. Bouffard, R. Lamrani, R. Chakra, A. Mestiri, M. Monsif and A. Fandi, CARDIS 2014, 13th Smart Card Research and Advanced Application Conference, Paris, France, November 5-7, 2014
- Heap Hop ! The heap is also vulnerable, J.-L. Lanet, G. Bouffard, M. Lackner and J. Loining, CARDIS 2014, 13th Smart Card Research and Advanced Application Conference, Paris, France, November 5-7, 2014,
- COGITO: Code Polymorphism to Secure Devices, D. Courousé, J.-L. Lanet, B. Robisson, T. Barry, H. Noura and P. Jaillon, SECRYPT, short paper session, 11th International Conference on Security and Cryptography, 28-30 August, 2014 Vienna, Austria
- Generating Control Flow Graph from Java Card Byte Code, A. Achkar, M. Benattou and J.-L. Lanet, IEEE CIST'14, DOI: 10.1109/CIST.2014.7016620 , 22-24 October, Tetouan, Marocco 2014 pdf
- Methodology to Bypass the Process of Scrambled Java Card Virtual Machine using Electromagnetic Analysis, A. Kasmi, M. Azizi, J.-L. Lanet, The Fifth International Conference on Next Generation Networks & Services NGNS 2014 May 28 - 30, Casablanca, Morocco, 2014 pdf
- Recognition of Sensitive Patterns to the Fault Attack in the Java Card Application, V. Yahiaoui, J.-L. Lanet, M. Mezghiche and K. Tamine, 2nd Conference on Theoretical and Applicative Aspects of Computer Science CTAACS-2013, November 25-26, Skikda, Algeria, 2013, pdf
- Neural Network Vs. Bayesian Network to Detect Java Card Mutants, I. El Farissia, , M. Azizia, J.-L. Lanetb, M. Moussaoui, AASRI Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control, Volume 4, Pages 132-137, 2013 pdf
- Accessing Secure Information using Export file Fraudulence, G. Bouffard, T. Khefif, J.-L. Lanet, I. Kane and S. Casanova Salvia CRiSIS 13, The 8th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems, La Rochelle, France, 22-24 October 2013
- Detecting Laser Fault Injection for Smart Cards using Security Automata, G. Bouffard, B. N. Thampi, and J.-L. Lanet, International Symposium on Security in Computing and Communications (SSCC-13), SJCE, Mysore, India, 22-24 August 2013, pdf
- Vulnerability Analysis on Smart Cards using Fault Tree, G. Bouffard, B. N Thampi, J.-L. Lanet, SafeComp 2013, The 32nd International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security, Toulouse, France, September 2013, pdf, slides
- Detecting Vulnerabilities in Java-Card Byte Code Verifiers Using Model-Based Testing, A. Savary, M. Frappier and J.-L. Lanet, iFM 2013 10th International Conference on integrated Formal Methods, E.B. Johnsen and L. Petre (Eds.), LNCS 7940, pp. 223-237, June 2013, Turku, Finland,pdf
- Towards a General Framework for Formal Reasoning about Java Byte Code Transformation, R. Lounas, M. Mezghiche, J.-L. Lanet, In Adel Bouhoula, Tetsuo Ida and Fairouz Kamareddine: Proceedings Fourth International Symposium on Symbolic Computation in Software Science (SCSS 2012), In Adel Bouhoula, Tetsuo Ida & Fairouz Kamareddine, editors: SCSS, EPTCS 122, pp. 63-73, DOI: 10.4204/EPTCS.122, ISSN: 2075-2180, Gammarth, Tunisia, 15-17 December 2012, pdf
- A Dynamic Syntax Interpretation for Java Based Smart Card to Mitigate Logical Attacks, T. Razandralambo, G. Bouffard, B. N Thampi, J.-L. Lanet, SNDS 2012, Trivandrum, India, Volume 335, Part 1, pp. 185-194, DOI: 10.1007/ 978-3-642-34135-9_19, 11-12 October 2012, pdf
- Type classification against Fault Enabled Mutant in Java based Smart Card, J. Dubreuil, J.-L. Lanet, G. Bouffard, J. Cartigny, AERES - SecSE 2012, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-24 August 2012, pp.551-556, DOI 10.1109/AERES.2012.24, pdf
- A friendly framework for hidding fault enabled virus for Java based smartcard, T. Razafindralambo, G. Bouffard and J.-L. Lanet, 26th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy DBSEC 2012, LNCS vol. 7371, pp 122-128, Paris, July 11-13, 2012, pdf, slides
- SmartCM A Smart Card Fault Injection Simulator, J.-B. Machemie, C. Mazin, J.-L. Lanet, J. Cartigny, IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS 2011) pp. 1-6, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, November 29th-December 2nd, 2011, pdf
- Evaluation of the Ability to Transform SIM Applications into Hostile Applications, CARDIS'11, J.-B. Machemie, J.-L. Lanet, G. Bouffard, J.-Y. Poichotte, J.-P. Wary, pp.1-17, Leuven, Belgium, 14-16 September 2011, pdf
- Combined Software and Hardware Attacks on the Java Card Control Flow, CARDIS'11, G. Bouffard, J. Iguchi-Cartigny, J.-L. Lanet, pp. 283-296, Leuven, Belgium, 14-16 September 2011, pdf
- A Security Model to Increase Confidence in M-Transactions, 6th IEEE International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems, D. Pequegnot, L. Cart-Lamy, A. Thomas, T. Tigeon, J. Iguchi-Cartigny, J.-L. Lanet, Timisoara, Romania, September 26-28, 2011, pdf
- Enhancing fuzzing technique for OKL4 syscalls testing, International Workshop on Secure Software Engineering, SecSE, A. Gauthier, C. Mazin, J. Iguchi-Cartigny, J.-L. Lanet, August 22-26, 2011, ARES Conference publication pp.728-733, Vienna, Austria, pdf
- Méthode d'Analyse de Vulnérabilité appliquée à un Composant de Sécurité d'une Carte à Puce, R2I Rencontres sur la Recherche en Informatique, S. Hamadouche, J.-L. Lanet, M. Mezghiche, Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria, June 12-14, 2011, pdf
- Checking the Paths to Identify Mutant Application on Embedded Systems, SecTech 2010, International Conference on Security Technology, A. Sere, J.-L. Lanet, J. Iguchi-Cartgigny LNCS 6485, pp.459-468, Jeju Island Korea, December 2010, pdf & slide,
- A new Payment Protocol over the Internet, CRISIS 2010, P. Girard, J.-L. Lanet, A. Plateaux, K. Villegas, Montréal, Canada, October 2010, Pdf & Slides,
- Incremental Dynamic Update For Java-based Smart Cards, ICONS 2010, A. Noubissi, J. Cartigny, J.-L. Lanet, April 2010, Les Menuires, Pdf
- Jack : a tool for validation of security and behaviour of Java applications, FMCO 2006, Amsterdam, 7-11 November 2006. pdf
- An experiment in JML-based software validation, co-author with avec L. du Bousquet, Y. Ledru, O. Maury, C. Oriat, ASE 04, Linz, Austria June 2004, pdf
- Enforcing High-Level Security Properties for Applets, co-author with M. Pavlova, G. Barthe, L. Burdy, M. Huisman, CARDIS 04, Toulouse, August 2004, pdf
- Java applet correctness: A developer-oriented approach, L. Burdy, A. Requet & J.-L. Lanet, in K. Araki, S. Gnesi, and D. Mandrioli, Eds., FME 2003: Formal Methods, vol. 2805 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 422-439, Springer-Verlag, 2003,pdf
- On Card byte code verification, the ultimate step, Java One 2002, Technical session, San Francisco, March 2002, co-author with D. Deville et L. Casset. slides
- Checking Secure Interactions of Smart Card Applets, ESORICS 2000, LNCS n°1895, pp. 1-16, Toulouse, October 2000 co-author with P. Bieber, J. Cazin, P. Girard, V. Wiels et G. Zanon pdf
- FACADE-A typed Intermediate Language Dedicated to Smart Cards, Esec Fse'99, LNCS n°1687, pp. 476-493, Toulouse, September 1999, co-author with G. Grimaud et J.-J. Vandewalle. pdf
- Formal Proof of Smart Card Applets Correctness, CARDIS'98, LNCS Louvain la Neuve; Belgium, LNCS n°1820, pp. 85-97, September 1998, co-author with A. Requet. pdf
- A load Balancing Task Allocation Scheme in a hard Real Time System, Euro-Par'96, pp. 640-643, August 96, Lyon.
- Maintenance Tool for a Fault-Tolerant Distributed Turbo Jet Engine Control Computer, CESA'96, pp. 659-663, July 1996, Lille, co-author with N. Hubart
- Allocating tasks in a Fault Tolerant Real Time System, Conference on Real Time Systems, pp. 244-252 , September 1995, Wroclaw, Poland.
[ACT] International Workshop with review and proceeding
- Recommendations for a radically secure ISA , M. Escouteloup, R. Lashermes, J. Fournier and J.-L. Lanet, Fourth Workshop on Computer Architecture Research with RISC-V (CARRV 2020), Virtual Workshop, May 30, 2020
- Predicting the Effect of Hardware Fault Injection,E. Boespflug, R. Gourier, J.-L. Lanet, IWBIS International Workshop on Big Data and Information Security, Bali, October 2019, Best Paper Award, Best Paper Presentation
- Classification of ransomware based on artificial neural networks,N. Ouerdi, T. Hajji, A. Palisse, J.-L. Lanet, A. Azizi EMENA-ISTL 2018, Fez, Morocco, 25 to 27 October 2018
- Ransomware’s early mitigation mechanisms, R. Mussaileb, B. Bouget, A. Palisse, H. Le Bouder, N. Cuppens and Jean Louis Lanet, The 5th International Workshop on Software Assurance SAW, 27-30 August 2018,
- All paths lead to Rome: Polymorphic Runtime Code Generation for Embedded Systems, D. Couroussé, T. Barry, B. Robisson, N. Belleville, P. Jaillon, O. Potin, H. Le Bouder, J.-L. Lanet, K. Heydemann, C2S, 5th Cryptography and Security in Computing Systems worshop, Manchester, UK, 24 January 2018.
- Methodologies and Techniques for Reverse Engineering of Java Card Byte-Code, M. Kasmi, M. Azizi and J.-L. Lanet, SITA 2015, 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, ENSIAS, Rabat Morocco, October 20-21, 2015.
- An Approach for Formal Verification of Updated Java Bytecode Programs, R. Lounas, M. Mezghiche and J.-L. Lanet, VeCos 2015 9th International Workshop on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems pdf, Bucharest, Romania, September 10-11, 2015
- EMV Card: Generation of abstract test cases based on SysML model, N. Ouerdi, M. Azizi, J.-L. Lanet, M. Ziane, A. Azizi, A. Savary, Third Edition of the National Security Days (JNS3), Rabat, Marroco, April 26-27, 2013, pdf
- Génération de Données de Test de Conformité à partir d'une Spécification Formelle par Analyse des Partitions et Classification, K. Belhachmi, M. Benattou, J.-L. Lanet, International workshop on Information Technologies and Communication (WOTIC'11), Casablanca, Marocco, 2011, pdf
- Hot updates for Java-based Smart Cards, HotSwapUp'11, Third Workshop on Hot Topics in Software Upgrades, A. Noubissi, J. Iguchi-Cartgigny, J.-L. Lanet, Hannover, Germany, April 2011, Pdf
- Automatic detection of fault attack and countermeasures, WESS'2009, A. Sere J., Iguchi-Cartigny, J.-L. Lanet, 4th Workshop on Embedded Systems Security, October 15, 2009, Grenoble, Pdf
- The use of B for Smart Card, FDL'02, Forum on Specification and Design Languages, proceedings vol.2, Marseille, September 24-27,2002.pdf
- Increasing smart card dependability, SIGOPS EW 2002, pp. 209-212, Saint Emilion, September 2002, L. Casset, J.-L.Lanet, pdf
- A Smart Card Case Study, J.-L. Lanet, Pan-Dependability Workshop, Laas, Toulouse, December 2001.
- The PACAP prototype: a tool for detecting Java Card illegal flow, Java Card 2000, LNCS n°2041, pp. 25-37, Cannes Sept. 2000, P. Bieber, J. Cazin, J.-L. Lanet, A. El Marouani, P. Girard, V. Wiels, G. Zanon pdf
- Certification d'un porte-monnaie Ă©lectronique, FAC2000, P. Bieber, J. Cazin, J.-L. Lanet, P. Girard, V. Wiels et G. Zanon, 2000, pdf
- How to formally specify the Java Byte code semantics using the B method, ECOOP 99 Workshop06, Formal Techniques for Java Programs, pp. 1-8, Lisbon, June 1999, TR University of Hagen n°251-5/1999 L. Casset, J.-L. Lanet pdf
- Electronic Purse Applet Certification, in Workshop on Secure Architectures and Information Flow, Royal Holloway College, Univ. of London, December 1999, P. Bieber, J. Cazin, J.-L. Lanet, P. Girard, V. Wiels et G. Zanon (publié ENTCS vol. 32) pdf
- The Use of Formal Methods for Smart Cards, a comparison between B and SDL to Model the T=1 protocol, International Workshop on Comparing Systems Specification Techniques, pp. 3-16, Nantes March 26-27 1998, J.-L. Lanet, P. Lartigue.
- Jet Engine Control Systems, IEEE International Workshop on Embedded Fault Tolerant Systems, September 1996, Dallas, Texas USA, J.L. Lanet, T. Bickard, N. Hubart
[ACT] National Conference with review and proceeding
- Malware Windows Évasifs: Impact sur les Antivirus et Possible Contremesures, C. Herzog, V. Viet Triem Tong, P. Wilke and J.-L. Lanet, C&esar 2020, Rennes, November 17th-18th, 2020
- IoT and Physical Attacks, H. Le Bouder, R. Lashermes, J.-L. Lanet, T. Barry and D. Couroussé, C&esar 2016, Rennes, November 21st-23rd, 2016
- COGITO: Génération de code au runtime pour la sécurité des systèmes embarqués, D. Courousé, J.-L. Lanet, B. Robisson, T. Barry, H. Noura and P. Jaillon, Ressi 2016, May, Toulouse
- Analyse et détection de logiciels malveillants, A. Palisse, J.-L. Lanet, Ressi 2016, May, Toulouse
- Évaluation de l'impact de fautes matérielles sur le logiciel par Model Checking, Bassole D., Lanet J.-L. and Legay A., AFADL2015, 14èmes journées Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au Développement Logiciel, Bordeaux, 9-10 June, 2015
- Reverse Engineering of Scrambled Java Card Applets Using Pattern Matching Attack M. Kasmi M. Azizi and J.-L. Lanet, The 4th National Security Days (JNS4) May 12-13 2014, Tetuan, Morocco
- Mise à jour dynamique des applications JavaCard: Une approche pour une mise à jour sûre du tas, R. Lounas, M. Mezghiche and J.-L Lanet, CIEL2014, Paris, June 2014
- Formula Negator,Outil de négation de formule, A. Savary, M. Lassale, J.-L. Lanet, M. Frappier, AFADL 2014, Paris, France, 11-12 Juin 2014,
- Vers une approche de construction de virus pour cartes à puce basée sur la résolution de contraintes, S. Hamadouche, M. Mezghiche, A. Gotlieb J.-L. Lanet, AFADL 2014, Paris, France, 11-12 Juin 2014, pdf
- Using Side Channel Information for Improving Data Partitioning Strategy to Test Smart Cards, J.-L. Lanet, B. Putt and E. Putt, SAR-SSI-14, Lyon, France, May 2014, slides
- Escalade de privilège dans une carte à puce Java Card, G. Bouffard, J.-L. Lanet, SSTIC'14, Rennes, 2014
- Intégration d'une politique de flot de contrôle dans un automate de sécurité, G. Bouffard, M. Lassale, S. Ona Domene, H.Tadmori, J.-L. Lanet, SARSSI 2013, Mont de Marsan, France, 16-18 septembre 2013, pdf, slides
- Subverting Byte Code Linker service to characterize Java Card API, S. Hamadouche, G. Bouffard, J.-L. Lanet , B. Dorsemaine, B. Nouhant, A. Magloire, A. Reygnaud, SARSSI 2012, Cabourg, France, Mai 2012, slides, pdf
- Fuzzing on the HTTP protocol implementation in mobile embedded web server, M. Barreaud, G. Bouffard, N. Kamel, J.-L. Lanet, C&ESAR11, Rennes, France, November 2011
- Génération de Données de Test Sécurisé à partir d'une Spécification Formelle par Analyse des Partitions et Classification, K. Benlhachmi, M. Benattou, J.-L. Lanet, Sar-SSI 2011, La Rochelle France, mai 2011, pdf
- Analyse de vulnérabilités sur carte à puce à serveur web embarqué, M. Barreaud, J. Cartigny, J.-L. Lanet, Sar-SSI 2011, La Rochelle France, mai 2011
- Automatic Generation of Vulnerability Tests for the Java Card Byte Code Verifier , A. Savary, M. Frapier, J.-L. Lanet, Sar-SSI 2011, La Rochelle France, mai 2011, pdf
- EmbedDSU : Un framework de HotSwUp pour cartes Ă puce Java, A. Noubissi, J. Cartigny, J.-L. Lanet, CFSE Saint-Malo, 10-13 mai, France 2011
- Perspectives d'utilisation du serveur web embarqué dans la carte à puce Java Card 3, K. Nassima, J.-L. Lanet, J. Cartigny, M. Barreaud, Majecstic 2010, Bordeaux, France, Octobre 2010, Pdf
- Carte à puce, vers une durée de vie infinie, A. Noubissi, J. Cartigny, J.-L. Lanet, Majecstic 09, Avignon, November 2009, pdf, slides.
- Carte Ă puce : attaques et contremesures, A. Noubissi, A. Sere, J. Cartigny, G. Boufard, J. Boutet, J.-L. Lanet, Majecstic 09, Avignon, November 2009,
- Enhancing Java Card applet validation: methodology and tools, L. du Bousquet, H. Martin, J.-L. Lanet, E-SMART 2003, Cannes, September 2003, pdf
- Sécurité des systèmes ouverts pour cartes à puces, Workshop ISYPAR, Feb. 2000.pdf
- Using the B Method for Modelling Protocols, J.-L. Lanet, AFADL 98, pp.79-90, Ensma-Lisi, September 1998, Futuroscope, pdf .
- Apport des calculateurs répartis dans la régulation des turbomoteurs, J.-L. Lanet, Real Time Systems & Embedded Systems'96, pp 423-431, January 1996, Paris.
- Allocation de tâches dans un système temps réel, J.-L. Lanet in Proceeding of Real Time Systems'95, pp. 222-231, January 1995, Paris.
[COM] Conference without proceeding
- The Express Laundry - from black box to white box, A. Mesbah, J.-L. Lanet, Workshop InS3PECT: Ingénierie Système de Services Sécurisés Pour objEts ConnecTés, Nice, France, 11-12 December 2017
- Formal Methods and the Dark Side of the Force, Journée AFSEC, June the 21st, Paris,2017
- Malware’O’Matic a platform to analyze Malware, A. Palisse, A. Durand, J.-L. lanet, French Japanese workshop on CyberSecurity, Rennes, 21st-23rd September, 2016
- When the environment does not play the game, J.-L. Lanet, Journées Scientifiques Inria, 2016, Rennes, 20-22 Juin,
- Fault enabled viruses against smart cards, S. Hamadouche, J.-L. Lanet and M. Mezghiche, SDTA14, Clermont Ferrand, December 2014
- Genericity of a model-based intrusion testing method, A. Savary, M. Lassale, J.-L. Lanet and M. Frappier, SDTA14, Clermont Ferrand, December 2014
- Toolbox for penetration testing based on Rodin and ProB, A.Savary, M. Frappier, J.-L. Lanet, 5th Rodin User and Developer Workshop, 2-3 June Toulouse, France, 2014
- Piratons formellement des cartes Ă puce, A. Savary, M. Frappier, J.-L. Lanet, Colloque TI 2013 Drummondville Canada Qc, Avril 2013
- Réseau de neurones vs. Réseau Bayésien pour détecter les mutants d'une Java Card, I. El Farissi, M. Azizi, M. Moussaoui and J.-L. Lanet, Colloque International sur la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information CISSE, March 2013, Kenitra Marocco,
- Secure Elements in a Home Networking, P. Silvera, J.-L. Lanet, J. Iguchi-Cartigny, Chip to Cloud Security , 19-20 September 2012, Sophia Antipolis France,
- Smart Analyzer an Automatic Rules Compliance Checker, J.-B. Machemie, C. Mazin, J.-L. Lanet, J. Cartigny, Chip to Cloud Security , 19-20 September 2012, Sophia Antipolis France,
- VTG : Vulnerability Test cases Generator, a Plugin for Rodin, A. Savary, J.-L. Lanet, M. Frappier, T. Razafindralambo, Rodin User and Developer Workshop, Fontainebleau, France, 28th February 2012,
- A Security Mechanism to Increase Confidence in M-Transactions, D. Pequegnot, L. Cart-Lamy, A. Thomas, T. Tigeon, J. Cartigny, J.-L. Lanet, Journée Thème Emergent, NFC, 6th of February 2012, slides
- Static Analysis of Javacard web applications and prevention against Javascript injection code, N. Kamel, J.-L. Lanet, J. Cartigny, ICNSA 2011, Paris.
- Software fault simulator for smart cards, Jean-Louis Lanet, PHISIC : International Workshop on Practical Hardware Innovations in Security Implementation & Characterisation, 27th and 28th of October 2011, Gardanne, France.
- Mobile phone hypervisor testing for vulnerabilities discovery, A. Gauthier, J.-L. Lanet, C. Mazin, J. Iguchi-Cartigny, Smart Mobility 2011, 21-23 September 2011, Sophia Antipolis
- Automatic generation of vulnerability test suite for the Java Card verifier, A. Savary, M. Frappier, J.-L. Lanet, E-smart 11, 21-23 September 2011, Sophia Antipolis
- OPAL: an open-source global platform Java Library which includes the remote application management over HTTP, A. Bkakria, G. Bouffard, J. Iguchi-Cartigny, J.-L. Lanet, E-smart 11, 21-23 September 2011, Sophia Antipolis France,
- Fuzzing du protocole HTTP sur carte Ă puce, M. Barreaud G. Bouffard, J. Iguchi-Cartigny, J.-L. Lanet, Cryptopuce 2011, Porquerolle, mai 2011, slides
- Testing micro-kernel syscalls for vulnerabilities discovery, A. Gauthier, J. Cartigny, J.-L. Lanet, 3ème Journée Sécurité des Sysytème et Sûreté des Logiciels, Saint Malo, France, mai 2011,
- Machine virtuelle sécurisée par annotation, Pastis 2010, J.-L. Lanet, A. Sere, 15 & 16 Juin 2010, Gardanne,Slides
- A secure virtual machine for Java Card Platform, A. Sere, J. Iguchi-Cartigny, J.-L. Lanet, E-smart 10, 21-24 September 2010, Sophia Antipolis France, Slides
- Convergence OSGI-JAVACARD: Fine-grained dynamic update, A. Noubissi, J. Iguchi-Cartigny, J.-L. Lanet, E-smart 10, 21-24 September 2010, Sophia Antipolis France, Slides,
- Development Methodologies of Java Card Web Applications, N. Kamel, J. Iguchi-Cartigny, J.-L. Lanet, E-smart 10, 21-24 September 2010, Sophia Antipolis France, Slides,
- Secure Hotswapping, un réel problème pour cartes à puce, Crypto'puce 09, Porquerolles, June 2009, A. Noubissi, J. Cartigny, J.-L. Lanet, Slides
- Evaluation de mécanismes de détection d'attaques en fautes sur le tas statique d'une Java Card, Crypto'puce 09, Porquerolles, June 2009, A. Sere, J. Cartigny J.-L. Lanet, pdf
- Introduction à la carte à puce et problématique de la sécurité, J.-L. Lanet, Crypto'puces 07, Porquerolles, April 2007.
- Camille : an exo-kernel for constrained devices, JTE Journée thèmes émergents de l'ACM-SIGOPS de France, J.-L. Lanet, V. Bénomy, Paris, March 2007
- New Challenges in Java Verification for Tiny Devices, J.-L Lanet, P. Girard, ESF Exploratory Workshop, Nijmegen, October 2006
- Méthodes formelles et développement de cartes à puce, J.-L. Lanet, Quatrième Journée Cryptographie et Sécurité de l'Information, Université de Limoges, 28 November 2003.
- Enhancing Java Card applet validation process : a methodology and its associated tools, L. du Bousquet, J.-L. Lanet, H. Martin, e-Smart 2003, Sophia Antipolis, France, September 17-19, 2003, pdf
- Méthodes formelles pour composants système embarqués, JTE Journée thèmes émergeants de l'ACM-SIGOPS de France : "Infrastructures pour les Petits Objets Portables et Sécurises", J.-L. Lanet, 26 September 2003, Lille
- Smart cards and formal methods: an experience report, J.-L. Lanet, MODOCOP Workshop, Grenoble, December 2003.
- Utilisation de techniques formelles pour les cartes Ă puces, J.-L. Lanet, Club SEE, Enst Paris, June 2003.
- Java Verifier, J.-L. Lanet, C. Faure, Y. Denneulin, in Journées RNTL, Toulouse, October 2002
- Detecting illegal information flow using abstract interpretation and model checking, GDC 00, Montpellier, France Juin 2000, P.Bieber, J.Cazin, A. El Marouani, P.Girard, J.-L. Lanet, R. Muller, V.Wiels, G.Zanon pdf
- Java Card or How to Cope with the New Security Issues Raised by Open Cards?, GDC 99, Paris, June 1999, J.-L. Lanet, P. Girard. pdf
[AP] Tutorials
- Crisis 2012, 7th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems, Cork, Ireland, 10-12 October 2012, Attacks against Smart Cards: hands on session
- Crisis 2011, 6th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems, Timisoara, Romania, 26-28 September 2011, Software attacks on Java smart cards
- FMCO 2006, Nov 2006, CWI Amsterdam, JACK: a tool for validation of security and behaviour of Java applications
- Ecoop 2000, Nice, Tutorial #22 Java Card, September 2000
- FM 99, Toulouse, June 1999, Security Tutorial Formal Methods for Smart Card based Systems
[AF] Posters
- A template attack against Verify PIN algorithms, H. Le Bouder, T. Barry, D. Couroussé, J.-L. Lanet and R. Lashermes Ronan, SECRYPT, the 13th International Conference on Security and Cryptography, Lisbon, Portugal, 26-28 July 2016
- Analyse et détection de logiciels malveillants, A. Palisse, J-L Lanet, Ressi, Toulouse, 2016,
- Generating Internal and External Control Flow Graph For Java Card Applications, Achkar A., Benattou M., Lanet J.-L., Mediterranean Conference on Information & Communication Technologies, SaĂŻdia, Morocco May 7-9, 2015
- VTG 2.0: Vulnerability Tests Generator, A. Savary, J.-L. Lanet and M. Frappier, Journées du GDR GPL, PARIS, June 2014, slides
- Test d'un système de détection des attaques en faute basé sur un réseau de neurones pour une machine virtuelle Java, Third Edition of the National Security Days (JNS3), Rabat, Marrocco, April 2013
- EMV Modeling using SysML Language and Event-B Formel Method, N. Ouerdi, M. Azizi, J.-L. Lanet, M. Ziane, A. Azizi, NETYS 2013, Marrocco, 2013
- Combined Attacks on Java Card Smart Cards, G. Bouffard, J.-L. Lanet, Phisic'11 Gardanne, October 2011.
- Patching running Java Card applications, A. Noubissi, J. Cartigny et J.-L. Lanet, ACACES 2009, Espagne, Juillet 2009.
- Dynamic upgrade of java card applications, A. Noubissi, J. Cartigny, J.-L. Lanet, CFSE'09, Toulouse, September 2009
[AP] INRIA Report
- RR-5061 Enforcing High-Level Security Properties For Applets, M. Pavlova, G. Barthe, L. Burdy, M. Huisman, J.-L. Lanet, 2005. pdf
- Contribution possible de l'INRIA sur le domaine des cartes à puce, J.-L. Lanet, Synthèse sur les besoins de recherche de l'industrie de la carte à puce et identification des projets et équipes de recherche de l'INRIA pouvant apporter des briques technologiques, décembre 2003.
[AP] ADIT Report
- Objets Communicants Aspects Logiciels, G. Privat, F. Rousseau, J.-L. Lanet, Mission Ambassade de France au Japon, janvier 2004 abstract or Adit
[AP] Seminar
- How Secure Containers in a Secure Element are Secure ?, J.-L. Lanet, Security seminar Séminaire sécurité du LORIA , 24 November 2017,
- Keys must be kept secret: are implementation resistant ?, Séminaires Cryptologie et Sécurité, Caen, February the 2nd, 2016
- Caracterizing Smart Card OS, join seminar INRIA DGA, Rennes, March, 6th, 2015.
- Software attacks against Java Cards, seven years of continous security improvements, Seminar TIMA, Grenoble, December 2014,
- Cyber sécurité, une approche pluri-disciplinaire, colloque école doctorale simem, JED 2014, Caen, 27 novembre 2014,
- Virus dans une carte mythe ou (proche) réalité ?, J.-L. Lanet, Séminaire Confiance Numérique, LIMOS Université d'Auvergne, Clermond Ferrand, 12 Décembre 2013
- Java Cards: to be or not to be ... root, J.-L. Lanet, SĂ©minaire cryptographie, GREYC, Caen, 8 November 2012
- Smart Card Attacks : Enter the matrix, T. Razafindranlambo, G. Bouffard, J.-L. Lanet, J. Iguchi-Cartigny, GDR SOC, Paris, May 2012
- Recent attacks against smart cards, Séminaire sécurité, Faculté des Sciences de Kenitra, Maroc, April 2012
- Vulnerability analysis of a smart card Run Time, Séminaire méthodes formelles et sécurité, Rennes, January 2012.
[DO] Editor
- B. Crispo, R. Sandhu, N. Cuppens-Boulahia, M. Conti, J.-L. Lanet, 2013 International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems (CRiSIS), ISBN:978-1-4799-3488-1, Crisis 2013, 23-25 Oct. 2013, La Rochelle, France.
- F. Martinelli, J.-L. Lanet, W. Fitzgerald, S. Foley, Seventh International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems, ISBN: 9781467330879, Pages: 156 (1 volume) CRiSIS 2012, 10-12 October, 2012, Cork, Ireland
- D. Gollmann, J.-L. Lanet, J. Iguchi-Cartigny: 9th IFIP WG 8.8/11.2 International Conference, CARDIS 2010, Passau, Germany, April 14-16, 2010. Revised Selected Papers Springer 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 6035 Springer 2010, ISBN 978-3-642-12509-6
- G. Barthe, B. Grégoire, M. Huisman, J.-L. Lanet: Construction and Analysis of Safe, Secure, and Interoperable Smart Devices, Second International Workshop, CASSIS 2005, Nice, France, March 8-11, 2005, Revised Selected Papers Springer 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3956 Springer 2006, ISBN 3-540-33689-3
- G. Barthe, L. Burdy, M. Huisman, J.-L. Lanet, T. Muntean: Construction and Analysis of Safe, Secure, and Interoperable Smart Devices, International Workshop, CASSIS 2004, Marseille, France, March 10-14, 2004, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3362 Springer 2005, ISBN 3-540-24287-2
[TH] Thesis
- Produire des logiciels sûrs: Contribution pour la construction de systèmes enfouis (PDF), Habilitation thesis, Université de Méditerranée, Marseille, France, March 2004
- Static task allocation in a fault tolerant real time system for a turbo engine control PhD Thesis, Université de Paris 06, Paris, 1995
[AP] Scientific Mediation
- Snowden: D'orwell Ă La Boetie, Interstice, 2020
- Quelle confiance peut on faire au monde numérique?, J.-L.Lanet, URSSAF de Bretagne, Journée sensibilisation aux techniques du numérique, Janvier 2017
- Vulnerability Prediction Against Fault Attacks , N. Jafri, A. Legay, J.-L. Lanet, Ercim news 106, 2016
- Skyfall : Tombé du ciel, J.-L. Lanet, Interstices, 2016
- FIC 2016 Internet des objets : la nouvelle fragilité ?
- Atlantico, Et si les objets connectés étaient la plus grande faille qu’entreprises et particuliers pouvaient offrir aux hackers Janvier 2016
- Newspaper, Le populaire du centre, 14 avril 2012, Etudiants Ă l'assaut des cartes Ă puce.
- Mediathèque de Tulle Le Cloud, une alternative ou un choix de facto contre la cybersécurité ?, 22 mars 2014, conférence tout public avec les élèves de terminale S du Lycée Edmon Perrier